Monday, February 16, 2015

Four months to go...

Today marks 4 months (or 120 days, or 17 weeks) until I move to Orlando, Florida! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. So far, this is what I have completed:

Paid my Assessment Fee

The Assessment Fee is what gains you access to the Onboarding website, as well as holds a spot for you in the dorms, and pays for all the fun things they have planned while you're there! (Parties, games, Grocery Bingo, activities, etc). Its $154.50 USD, which converted to $179.74 CAD for me.

Filled-Out Onboarding Paperwork

There are about 7 agreement forms that I had to fill out, acknowledging everything from taking care of my costume, to a Public Health questionnaire. These forms require a Social Security Number, so I'll have to get one of those from the U.S. Embassy before I leave to save me a trip down there!

Booked My One-way Flight

This was a huge thing emotionally for me. I won't be in my house for a whole year. I won't see my cats, most of my family, my friends. I'll be living an entirely different life! I'll get to experience living with roommates, serious budgeting, and make friends from all over the world. How blessed I am to be given such a wonderful opportunity. :) My flight came to about $280 CAD. But I get to fly right out of London! I have a layover in Chicago, and then I'll be arriving in Orlando at 12:35pm. Disney requires you to upload your travel information, so I did that as well.

Background Check

Even though I haven't received the email from Yummy Jobs asking for my background check yet, I still sent out for my Police Check yesterday, as it takes about 4 weeks for them to process it. It was $45 CAD, and I was able to do it all online!

Other than that, I've just been working on my packing list, purchasing things that I'll need, and getting very excited! Four months! Wooo!